Searching for offices
Office space searching made easy
Looking for serviced offices on the internet is not that different from looking for anything else. When looking for offices on Google (or on other engines such as Yahoo! and MSN Search), it is often a good tactic to start broad and then work to more specific searches.
For example, if you are looking for a serviced office in a part of London, a good tactic may be to start on Google or on our website and seeing what you find, if you can find a company who can help then you have made a start!
However, if you are looking for office space in a part of London e.g. Docklands, then after seeing who deals with serviced offices in London, it may be then worth seeing who offers offices in your particular required location – so in the case of Docklands, a search for ‘Docklands serviced offices’ may turn up more accurate results and may turn up companies specialising in that particular location.
General searching rules perhaps apply to office space searches – don’t just rely on the No.1 result for any search, click around results and always go deeper down the page if you don’t find what you want at the top.
It is worth trying standard search engines (e.g. Google) as well as specialist websites such as this one. Comparison of results and office offers will be the key to finding exactly what you want.
You may want to try the below results below to start or conduct a search on this site.
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